The Beginnings Of A Community That Survives

THE BEGINNINGS OF A COMMUNITY THAT SURVIVES The Shepherd Community is named for Judge Lewis Shepherd who was the son of one of the largest slaveholders in Hamilton County.  Lewis’ father, Col. Lewis Shepherd owned 24 slaves and thousands of acres in Hickory Valley just 2 miles from what is now Shepherd.  The farm “Overseer” …

Education in Shepherd

Chickamauga School Chickamauga School was established in 1871 during the Reconstruction period.  The Reconstruction period covers the first 12 years immediately following the end of the Civil War and the abolition of slavery (1865- 1877).  The written history of Pilgrim Rock Baptist Church which was established in 1885, mentions that church services were held at …

Community Associations of Shepherd and Achievements

As we look back on community organizations that have existed in the Shepherd Community, we realize that there have been three distinct community associations.  We have minutes of the first association dating back to the early 1920’s.  The name of the first organization was the “Shepherd Community Club.”  The president was Rev. J. W. Ridley …